A Secret Weapon For Paint Protection

Now that you have driven your car off the lot, you want to keep it in as neat condition as when you first received it from the Showroom. The automobile industry has made great strides in technology and the innovation of Protective Coatings have greatly improved the longevity and durability of Vehicle Paint.

Various forms of protective coatings can be applied to protect your vehicle from the elements such as Sealants that seal the paint from the harsh environment and provide long lasting protection, Waxes that provide a deep wet-look shine and offer unique protection and gloss enhancing properties, Ceramic Coatings that chemically bond to paint and provide superior durability, making maintenance much easier.

Let us closely examine the reasons why protective coatings are of utmost importance.

Daily, your vehicle endures all forms of surface 'attacks,' from scratches to contaminants that are an inescapable part of owning a vehicle. The Gtechniq product range provide a tough, protective surface to the car's paintwork. Developed through Science, products chemically bond to the vehicle paintwork, thereby adding a protective layer that can combat a great deal of damage while at the same time retaining deep gloss and shine levels on the paint.

Crystal Serum - Gtechniq's most ultimate form of paint protection, can only be applied by a Gtechniq Accredited Detailing Facility and is not available to purchase over the counter. Unlike waxes and sealants which will, at most, protect paintwork for a period of six months, the coating is warranted to last on your paintwork for seven years and is capable of protecting paint against acidic components and bird droppings.

Upon application of the coatings, the vehicle surface is not only protected but is also a breeze to maintain. Due to the hydrophobic top layer, water and dust easily repel meaning that the vehicle can be washed and dried within minutes.

Coatings would also be applied to Wheels, Glass, Trims, Interior Leather, Fabrics, Dash etc. with the main goal to achieve a top coat hydrophobic finish and make maintenance very easy.
The car enthusiast who look to have both, a product that not only protects the car but at the same time also improves the appearance should always opt for the application of a Ceramic Coating. Due to their exceptional protection and longstanding value, Ceramic Coatings are an ideal choice for car owners who desire to keep their cars in a state-of-the-art condition for a long span of time.
Your attitude and pride for your car or bike boosts radically especially when your ride is your passion. Keeping it spic and span is tough when many factors like environmental fallouts, chemicals, sunlight, water, grime, and dirt are bound to dim the sheen. However, car paint protection is manageable and easy when you count on nano ceramic coating. Products like Nasiol ZR53 are a perfect example of real-time deployment of coating for your car. It is a favorite product of any DIY-minded car lover as applying this coating on your car on your own is possible.

What Is Nano Ceramic Coating?

Nano ceramic coating is suitable for protecting painted motorcycle and car surfaces. It is a very thin coating of 700 to 1000nm and is soft from inside and very hard from outside. It is available in liquid form and is applied using supplied applicator. Usually, it requires a curing period of 48 hours to deliver unrivaled shine for the next three years. The nano-particles of the car paint protection liquid prevent sheen abuse due to natural, external, or chemical factors. In addition, this coating is appropriate for new as well as used cars and motorcycles.

Nano Ceramic Coating Benefits - More Than You Expect Ever
Nano ceramic coating like Nasiol ZR53 is suitable for applying on surfaces like car body paint, plastic trims, or bumpers for that matter. Applying the coating is easy too with its one-step application. Some prominent advantages of applying the coating for car paint protection are

Superior Application - One application of coating serves up to three years offering the ultimate shine and fullest returns on the money spent. Surface of the car always look clean and glossy just as it was when you bought the car.
Resistant to Environmental Fallouts - Environmental fallouts or simply speaking bird poop is known to cause damage to car click here paint. Nevertheless, not anymore, coating like Nasiol ZR53 protects the paint from these damages.

Resistant to Chemicals - Nano ceramic coating is highly resistant to chemicals including the salty and humid climate at seashores. Well, one application of this car paint protection coating has a lot to offer and peace of mind for coming three years too.

Resistant to UV Rays - Car protection coating like Nasiol ZR53 is fully UV resistant and works the same way a sun control cream with good SPF content works for you. Well, you need to apply it daily on your face but only one application of nano ceramic coating lasts for years to come.

Resistant to Water - Water, grime, and dirt are known enemies of the paint surface. However, nano ceramic coating is highly water resistant and does not permit adherence of dirt and grime on the surface. In addition, it requires very less efforts to clean and your car looks fresh forever as it looks after arriving out of a car wash. High gloss finish makes it a noticeable and worth envy ride.

The car enthusiast who look to have both, a product that not only protects the car but at the same time also improves the appearance should always opt for the application of a Ceramic Coating. Due to their exceptional protection and longstanding value, Ceramic Coatings are an ideal choice for car owners who desire to keep their cars in a state-of-the-art condition for a long span of time. It is a favorite product of any DIY-minded car lover as applying this coating on your car on your own is possible.

Nano ceramic coating like Nasiol ZR53 is suitable for applying on surfaces like car body paint, plastic trims, or bumpers for that matter. In addition, it requires very less efforts to clean and your car looks fresh forever as it looks after arriving out of a car wash.

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